Hyperloop Becomes Closer To Reality In Colorado
By Jeff Todd
DENVER (CBS4)– Colorado is well positioned to be a leader in the hyperloop revolution.
(Reposted from: http://denver.cbslocal.com/2017/09/14/hyperloop-travel-cdot/)
On Thursday, the leading company Hyperloop One announced 10 international finalists, with five in the U.S.

The route from Cheyenne, Wyo. to Denver with travel to Pueblo was picked as a finalist and immediately the Colorado Department of Transportation, AECOM, and Hyperloop one entered into a public-private partnership.
“It’s kind of a right place, right time, right tech. we are just trying to say Colorado is open for business for these innovative companies,” said CDOT Executive Director Shailen Bhatt.
CDOT Executive Director Shailen Bhatt (credit: CBS)
CDOT says it’s starting a feasibility study to see how this concept can become a reality.
“The question is, ‘Can I build it in a way, so that it pays, or it gets paid for’ and I think that’s the unknown,” Bhatt said. “I would say it’s realistic from a technology perspective, what I don’t know yet is if it’s financially feasible.”

The feasibility study could cost up to $1 million and could take years. CDOT regularly spends millions of dollars each year studying transportation projects throughout Colorado.
“What we want to look at is, what is feasible, what is constructible, where can we get access to land, and that’s where we’ll start. We’re talking about a study that probably leads to a segment that leads to a much bigger network,” Bhatt said.

The Eastern Plains of Colorado could be perfect for the first Hyperloop because it’s relatively flat and the land between Denver International Airport and Greeley is cheaper than other metropolitan areas.
The technology is an issue Hyperloop One is dealing with. It’s proposing pods that would magnetically levitate off of the track. Air is sucked out of the travel tube to allow the pods to reach speeds near 700 mph without drag or disruption. But a recent test at a quarter-mile facility near Las Vegas reached only 70 mph.

While the technology may take years, Bhatt admits the governmental studies and procedures could take just as long.
“Here comes a new mode of transportation potentially if not us then who would look at it,” Bhatt said. “Just so many different applications and again we’re so early in this but shame on us if we’re not part of that conversation and we wait for someone else to take the lead. “
Jeff Todd joined the CBS4 team in 2011 covering the Western Slope in the Mountain Newsroom. Since 2015 he’s been working across the Front Range in the Denver Headquarters. Follow him on Twitter @CBS4Jeff.
TRB Applying Census Data for Transportation: 50 Years of Transportation Planning Data Progress: Call for Abstracts Due May 25th
Dear Colleague,
It is a pleasure to invite you to the “Applying Census Data for Transportation: 50 years of Transportation Planning Data Progress Conference”. The conference is organized by The Transportation Research Board, and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP) program and will take place in Kansas City, MO on November 14-16, 2017.
The conference will focus on the use of census data for transportation applications by exploring the results of current research, sharing experiences of practitioners who are using census data, and defining potential strategies for practical improvements in data use for current and emerging data needs.
Please submit your abstracts electronically at https://s.zoomerang.com/r/Censustrans and limit your abstract to no more than 400 words by May 25, 2017.
Final enhanced abstracts for publication in the conference proceedings will be due by October 15, 2017. Enhanced abstracts may be up to 1,200 words or two pages. Complete papers may also be submitted.
All submitters will be notified via email by June 26, 2017. Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be asked to confirm their conference registration and attendance by July 18, 2017.
Direct all questions to Mai Le at 202-334-2827 or mqle@nas.edu.
Papers should be NO longer than 7,500 words including the abstract, text, references, figures, and tables. Each table, figure, or photograph counts as 250 words. Papers should conform to generally accepted guidelines for academic quality papers. TRB criteria may be used (http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/am/2017/PreparingPapersforPublicationTRR.pdf)
A paper or written description must accompany any submissions that are media oriented.
Completed submissions are due to Ms. Mai Le of TRB at MQLe@nas.edu by midnight onAugust 1, 2017. Accompanying the submission should be an electronic pdf file of a letter signed by both a faculty advisor and the entrant attesting that the paper satisfies the eligibility conditions. Authors will be notified of their status via email by September 1, 2017.
Direct all questions to Ed Christopher, Conference Chair at edc@berwyned.com.
Please register now if you would like to participate in the conference. An Early Bird registration will be due on September 13, 2017.
Best Regards,
Transportation Research Board

USTDA Wins India Smart Grid Forum’s President Award

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency was awarded the India Smart Grid Forum’s President Award for Promotion of Smart Grids in India, in recognition of work to advance India’s grid modernization efforts.
The President Award is presented to an India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF) member that has made the best contribution towards the growth of smart grids in India. Since 2004, USTDA has sponsored ten smart grid activities addressing topics such as distributed energy resources (DER), the viability of solar powered microgrids for two rural villages, and utilizing automated demand side management solutions to manage peak demand. On these activities, USTDA partnered with both public and private sector utilities, as well as U.S. companies, to pilot innovative solutions tailored to India’s unique electricity needs.
The award was presented during India Smart Grid Week in New Delhi. At the inaugural session, USTDA’s Regional Director, Henry Steingass, spoke on the importance of involving the regulator in smart grid development. Mr. Steingass noted, “What is needed is a greater philosophy on how regulatory decisions can be made, taking into account benefits that customers may see in terms of more reliable power and the electric services, what they are able to bring.”
ISGF, which bestowed the award and organized India Smart Grid Week, is a public-private partnership initiative under India’s Ministry of Power. (Visit USTDA for more)

Coming Soon…India’s first hydrogen cell bus
Tata Motors launched the future of mass public transportation at its Pune facility and took another step in the direction of green technology and mobility solutions. The company launched the Starbus Electric 9m, Starbus Electric 12m and the Starbus Hybrid 12m range of buses which are designed, developed, powered by alternate fuels and made in India. The company says will be a good for smart cities. The company also showcased the country’s first Fuel Cell bus (12m), LNG Powered bus (12m), and an 18m Articulated bus.
For more information:
Starbus Articulated Bus