Annual Meeting Announcement: 5:30 PM on January 12, 2020 (Sunday)

Dear ATPIO Members and Friends,

We would like to invite you to the Association of Transportation Professionals of Indian Origin (ATPIO) annual meeting at the 2020 TRB  Annual Meeting in Washington DC.

  • Date and Time: Sunday, January 12, 2020 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
  • Location: TRB Annual Meeting, Room 103B Convention Center, Washington, DC

Like previous ATPIO meetings, this will also be semi-formal setup. Agenda and further details will be provided prior to the meeting. It is an opportunity to become member, student member and/or volunteer of ATPIO.

Feel free to forward the invite to your colleagues and friends who will be attending TRB and will be around on Sunday. This is an excellent networking opportunity to get started at TRB 2020.

Looking forward to see you all at the meeting.

Pics from 2019 annual meeting:

Call for abstracts: 5th Biennial CTRG Conference, Bhopal, Dec 18-19, 2019

The Transportation Research Group of India (TRG) invites you to the city of Bhopal to participate in the 5th biennial Conference of the TRG (CTRG-2019) between 18 to 21 December, 2019. The objective of the conference is to create and provide a forum within India for interchange of ideas among researchers, educators, practitioners, managers, and policy-makers in transportation in India and around the world. We intend to cover a wide spectrum of topics related to transportation of people and freight.

Abstract specifications: The title of the paper should be mentioned at the top of the page. The title should be written in Times New Roman font of 12 pt size, bold faced, sentence case, single spacing and center justified.  After the title, a space of 24 pt should to be provided. Please note that the author(s) details (like Name, email, affiliation, etc.) should NOT be provided in the entire body of the abstract. The abstract would start with the word ‘Abstract:’ written in bold and without indent. The abstract should be written in Times New Roman regular font of 12 pt size, single spacing and double justified. Avoid underline or highlights on the text.

The abstract should consist of three to four paragraphs. The first paragraph should introduce the research problem, its background and the scope. The second (and, if required, the third and the fourth) paragraph(s) should broadly describe the methodology adopted, salient findings and contributions of the study. Each paragraph should start, without any indent, but with a 12pt line gap with respect to the last line of the previous paragraph. Promotion of any commercial product should be strictly avoided. The abstract should not contain any tables or figures. References should be avoided in the abstract. If, however, they are completely unavoidable, then the references should be listed briefly and as footnotes. In any case, please do not include more than three references. The reference list should include the authors name, journal/ conference title, and the volume and page numbers, wherever available. If the reference is to an online source then the appropriate URL should be mentioned. If abbreviations are used in the abstract, it should be put within parenthesis (where it is mentioned for the first time) immediately after the full form. The total length of the abstract should not exceed 800 words.

It is reiterated, that there should not be any indication about the authors’ identity in entire abstract page. Further, provide the following information at the end.






[button link=””] Download Word Template for Abstract[/button]

Guidelines for Abstract submission.

  1. Abstract can be submitted for review from December 5, 2018. The last date for submitting abstract in March 4, 2019. For Formatting your abstract see:
  2. For submission of abstract in 5th CTRG, 2019 conference, the corresponding author (henceforth referred as ‘you’) will have to create an account in “”.
  3. Go to the following URL to create an account and subsequently for submission:
  4. Click on “Sign up for an account”to create an account. Follow the necessary instructions and fill in the details as required.
  5. After creating an account and logging into your account, go to “My Submission” to submit an abstract.
  6. Provide all the required information and click on the tab “Submit”after attaching your abstract (in pdf format only). Provide all the co-authors’ details also on this page.
  7. If you want to submit another abstract (before logging out) then go to “My Submission” again and also complete step 5 again.
  8. Once you have submitted abstract(s) you can log out. If you want to submit another abstract at a later date then please log in to your account and got o “My Submission” again and also complete Step 5 again.
  9. The final results/acceptance of abstract will be notified by the chair of 5th CTRG, 2019 through email. The decision will also be notified in your “easychair” account. Expect the decisions to reach you  as per schedule available on

ATPIO President’s 2018 Annual Report

Since ATPIO was formed in 2004, it has maintained focus on its strategic objective to facilitate bilateral collaborative activities and partnerships that include research, as well as knowledge and technology transfer between diverse groups of transportation professionals in US and India. I am pleased to report that in 2018 ATPIO members, distinguished academics, as well as highly respected transportation professionals from public and private sectors, continued their collaborative efforts with their counterparts in India.

2018 ATPIO Annual Meeting 

Consistent with its decade-long tradition, ATPIO held its 2018 Annual Meeting in conjunction with the TRB Annual Meeting. Logistically this works out well since many transportation professionals of Indian origin gather at this meeting. Our ATPIO Annual Meeting was well attended and provided a good networking opportunity for academics, professional practitioners and students. Especially well-received were presentations on WCTR-2019, COMSNETS2018 and Workshop on ITS, as well as 2017 TRG activities by Professors K V Krishna Rao, Gitakrishnan Ramadurai and Manoranjan Parida of IITs Mumbai, Chennai and Roorkee, respectively. Attending students found reception that followed as a good venue to meet one-on-one with experienced transportation professionals of Indian origin.

New Look of ATPIO Website

During this year, thanks to Professor Mohan Venigalla and graduate students from IA State, UC Irvine and GMU, ATPIO website became vary vibrant. Behind what you see, the website is secure and backed a secure email server as well. The improvements to the site and the email server give us the ability to securely communicate with members and friends as well as automatically track memberships. Having put so much effort into all this, we hope it will help us gain greater momentum for our 2019 activities.

Collaborative Activities

ATPIO continued to actively facilitate collaboration between academia in US and India. ATPIO members participated in organizing conferences held in India. ATPIO is assisting IIT-Mumbai host the 2019 World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR). As in the past, we are co-sponsoring 2019 Conference of Transportation Research Group (TRG) in India. In 2018 ATPIO and TRG continued organizing joint webinars to facilitate more bi-lateral collaboration between transportation professionals in US and India. We intend to arrange two webinars per year on topics of mutual interest, presenters alternating between ATPIO and TRG. ATPIO members have been actively providing assistance to India’s Smart Cities initiative as well. We are working with George Mason University (GMU) to sponsor an open access journal in transportation to be launched by GMU.

ATPIO Webinars

During 2018 ATPIO organized the following two successful webinars:

  1. Roundabout Design: Workflow, Limitations, and Solutions,  by Hannah Koshraviof Transsoft Solutions, Canada
  2. Application of big data analytics in transportation operations”,  by Professor Anuj Sharma

ATPIO Student Scholarship 

Thanks to Professor Jayakrishnan, ATPIO received a generous donation of $1,000.00 from our Gold Sponsor Mr. Venu Sarakki of Sarakki Associates. Previously Professor Shashi Nambisan, former ATPIO President, had donated $200.00 toward student scholarship program. ATPIO greatly appreciates these donations. As a result, ATPIO has awarded a $250.00 travel scholarship to Akhilesh Chepuri of Surat, India, who will present a paper at the 2019 TRB Annual Meeting. Also, ATPIO expects to award five- $100.00 scholarships at the Annual Meeting.

Best wishes,

Arun M. Shirole’, PE, FIE ATPIO President

ISERT 2019

Irvine Symposium on Emerging Research in Transportation (ISERT 2019)

Date:   January 18-19, 2019

Venue: The Beckman Center,

            Irvine, CA 92697, USA


This annual symposium is for focused academic idea-exchange among researchers and practitioners on emerging research and applications in transportation. The schedule will include podium presentations, poster sessions as well as innovative idea-exchange sessions. As the symposium follows the Transportation Research Board meeting, researchers traveling to the USA from around the world, and specifically from the Pacific Rim countries may find the symposium a convenient stop for focused academic exchange on selected topics. The intended participants are academics, researchers, graduate students and industry professionals in transportation who stay abreast with the latest research developments in the field.  We are particularly interested in new research ideas that may be still under development or involve preliminary results.


For more Details and Registration information please visit ISERT 2019 Conference Web Page.

2019 ATPIO Annual Meeting Notice


Dear ATPIO Members and Friends,

We would like to invite you to the Association of Transportation Professionals of Indian Origin (ATPIO) annual meeting at the 2019 TRB  Annual Meeting in Washington DC.

  • Date and Time: Sunday, January 13, 2019 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
  • Location: TRB Annual Meeting, Room 103B Convention Center, Washington, DC

Like previous ATPIO meetings, this will also be semi-formal setup. Agenda and further details will be provided in a few days. It is an opportunity to become member, student member and/or volunteer of ATPIO.

Feel free to forward the invite to your colleagues and friends who will be attending TRB and will be around on Sunday. This is an excellent networking opportunity to get started at TRB 2019.

Looking forward to see you all at the meeting.