USTDA announces a webinar update on the smart cities landscape in India and learn of new opportunities for U.S. companies. This Webinar, presented by KPMG, will outline the India Smart Cities Mission and the role of the U.S. Trade & Development Agency (USTDA).
Registered participants will have the opportunity to engage with USTDA staff on project support opportunities and will receive the latest USTDA commissioned Smart Cities India: Market Assessment report.
Registration is required and closes on April 30th at 11:59 pm EDT. Register here.
Join us at our annual meeting and reception on Sunday, Jan 07, 2018 from 5:30 PM to 7:30PM at Room/Venue: 101 / Washington DC Convention Center.
Founding Chair: Dr. Kumares Sinha, Purdue University, USA
President: Mr. Arun M. Shirole’, Engineering and Management Consultant, USA
Vice President: Dr. Vijay Gopu,
University of New Orleans
Secretary: Dr. Sushant Sharma,
Texas A&M Transportation Inst., USA
Treasurer: Dr. Sabyasachee Mishra, University of Memphis, USA
Board Members:
Dr. R. Jaykrishnan, University of California, Irvine, USA
Dr. Mohan M. Venigalla, George Mason University, USA
Dr. Kiran Bhatt, K.T. Analytics, Inc., USA
Praveen Pasumarthy, Cambridge Systematics, USA
Mr. Salil Gokhale, Dynatest North America, Inc.
Dr. Shashi Nambisan, University of Alabama, USA
Mr. Jaydeep Chaudhari, AICP
Introduction to the ATPIO
The ATPIO was established in 2004 to serve as a forum where an international community of transportation professionals that share a common heritage could come together to address relevant and emerging issues and challenges in transportation, exchange information and ideas, engage in technology transfer activities, and mentor young professionals eager to join the field. As an association that brings together transportation professionals of Indian origin, we strive to serve as an umbrella organization to facilitate enhancing of transportation systems and services in India. Our vision involves assisting and promoting transfer of transportation related knowledge and technology between professionals in India and rest of the world.The ATPIO organizes and supports workshops, seminars, meetings, and conferences where transportation professionals can share information and identify transport solutions that work in a variety of geographical, cultural, and societal contexts. The ATPIO is committed to facilitate professional networking and capacity-building and undertakes a range of mentorship activities to help junior and senior professionals alike further develop the skills and knowledge to be successful.
Support ATPIO and participation in its activities.
On Thursday, the leading company Hyperloop One announced 10 international finalists, with five in the U.S.
(credit: Hyperloop One)
The route from Cheyenne, Wyo. to Denver with travel to Pueblo was picked as a finalist and immediately the Colorado Department of Transportation, AECOM, and Hyperloop one entered into a public-private partnership.
“It’s kind of a right place, right time, right tech. we are just trying to say Colorado is open for business for these innovative companies,” said CDOT Executive Director Shailen Bhatt.
CDOT Executive Director Shailen Bhatt (credit: CBS)
CDOT says it’s starting a feasibility study to see how this concept can become a reality.
“The question is, ‘Can I build it in a way, so that it pays, or it gets paid for’ and I think that’s the unknown,” Bhatt said. “I would say it’s realistic from a technology perspective, what I don’t know yet is if it’s financially feasible.”
(credit: Hyperloop One)
The feasibility study could cost up to $1 million and could take years. CDOT regularly spends millions of dollars each year studying transportation projects throughout Colorado.
“What we want to look at is, what is feasible, what is constructible, where can we get access to land, and that’s where we’ll start. We’re talking about a study that probably leads to a segment that leads to a much bigger network,” Bhatt said.
(credit: Hyperloop One)
The Eastern Plains of Colorado could be perfect for the first Hyperloop because it’s relatively flat and the land between Denver International Airport and Greeley is cheaper than other metropolitan areas.
The technology is an issue Hyperloop One is dealing with. It’s proposing pods that would magnetically levitate off of the track. Air is sucked out of the travel tube to allow the pods to reach speeds near 700 mph without drag or disruption. But a recent test at a quarter-mile facility near Las Vegas reached only 70 mph.
(credit: Hyperloop One)
While the technology may take years, Bhatt admits the governmental studies and procedures could take just as long.
“Here comes a new mode of transportation potentially if not us then who would look at it,” Bhatt said. “Just so many different applications and again we’re so early in this but shame on us if we’re not part of that conversation and we wait for someone else to take the lead. “
Jeff Todd joined the CBS4 team in 2011 covering the Western Slope in the Mountain Newsroom. Since 2015 he’s been working across the Front Range in the Denver Headquarters. Follow him on Twitter @CBS4Jeff.
Registration: Please register for the webinar by sending email to, with the subject line: “Webinar April 2017 Registration”
The foundation of rapidly advancing connected vehicle technology was the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allocation of 75 MHz of spectrum in the 5.9 GHz band to be used by intelligent transportation systems (ITS). The primary purpose of this allocation is to drastically reduce crashes and improve road safety through the Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications and applications. USDOT is leading the connected vehicle program and the program has advanced to pilot deployment stages. The three pilot deployment sites – New York, Tampa and Wyoming are in the deployment process. The national test beds including the Maricopa County test bed in Anthem, Arizona developed through the MCDOT SMARTDrive ProgramSM and in partnership with Arizona State DOT and University of Arizona continue to facilitate the development, testing and implementation of technology and applications with emphasis on traffic signals.
The presentation will provide overview of the connected vehicle technology and will focus on the deployment of MCDOT SMARTDrive test bed and applications in Maricopa County, Arizona.
About the Speaker, Faisal Saleem:
Faisal Saleem is the Intelligent Transportation Systems Branch Manager for Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) in Arizona. He is responsible for the overall supervision and management of MCDOT and AZTech ITS Projects, REACT Incident Management Program and MCDOT Traffic Management Center. He is the Chairperson of the AZTech Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) Working Group. Saleem also serves as the MCDOT SMARTDrive Program Manager and is the Chair of Deployment Guidance Technical Working Group of the National Vehicle -to– Infrastructure Deployment Coalition.
Saleem has a Bachelor and Masters Degree in Civil Engineering and is a graduate of University of Maryland Operations Academy Senior Management Program. He is the former President of Intelligent Transportation Society of Arizona (ITSA) and founder President of Indian Engineers Forum in the Middle East.