Performance Specifications

Speaker: Mr. Sidney Scott, III, PE.

This webinar on “Performance Specifications – Delivering Performance and Harnessing the Innovation of American Industry to Build Better Transportation Infrastructure “, was a great success, with about 100 in attendance. At the University of Tennessee a whole class room of 25 students attended the webinar as a group. There was a good representation of practicing transportation professionals in the attendees as well, as evidenced by request for PDH certificates by 20 individuals. The interest of attendees was quite obvious from the number of questions that were asked and answered by the presenter Mr. Sydney Scott, P.E. Senior Vice President at Hill International.

Click on the following image to access the Webinar recording.

AASHTO NCHRP Professional Visit to India

A delegation led by Mr. John Horsley, the Executive Director of AASHTO visited India from November 9 through 15, 2009.

The AASHTO delegation visited New Delhi, met with key officials in the following government, quasi-public and private agencies including:

  • Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH)
  • National Highways Authority of India (NHAI)
  • Ministry of Rural Development (MORD)
  • Indian Roads Congress (IRC)
  • Field trip to Agra on National Highway No. 2
  • Consulting Engineers Association of India
India Tour delegation included: John Horsley, AASHTO, Pete Rahn, Missouri DOT, Steve Simmons, Texas DOT, Chris Francis, Virginia DOT, Keith Platte, AASHTO, Bob Fogel, NACo, Shashi Nambisan, Iowa State, Kiran Bhatt, KT Analytics, Puneet Singh, Poly-Carb, Craig Parks and Hardik Shah, American Structurepoint