Smart Cities

Mr. Lamba is the Program Manager for the consulting firm, CH2M HILL’s Smart Infrastructure Solutions. His primary focus is exploring emerging technology and analytics-based decision support tools in transportation and infrastructure domains, to improve cost and operational efficiency, enhance customer service, support policy formulation, capital planning and asset management. His responsibilities also include a Smarter Cities Innovation Lab, which is designed to incubate new solutions to maturity. He is based in the Washington DC area and has spent the last 20 years working on Transportation related topics around the world for governments and private sector organizations. Prior to joining CH2M HILL in early 2014, Mr. Lamba spent over 10 years at IBM, where he was an Industry Leader in IBM’s Smarter Cities initiative. Mr. Lamba earned his undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering from IIT, Madras in India. He also has a Masters degree in Civil Engineering and an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA.

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Public Private Partnership in Virginia

Speaker: Mr. Dusty L. Holocombe

Mr. Holcombe serves as Deputy Director of the Virginia Office of Public-Private Partnerships (VAP3). He is responsible for administering the daily operations of the office for Virginia. In that role, he oversees all programmatic and development activities in identification, evaluation, and procurement of public-private projects.



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Smart Cities Workshop, Varanasi

April 2015

From April 1, to April 9, 2015, the workshop’s main session known as the Smart City Initiatives for Varanasi was held at Banaras Hindu University (BHU). 91 masters and Ph.D. students of BHU, La Salle University, Columbia, A.P. Institute of Environmental Design, Sardar Patel University, and College of Engineering Thiruvantapuram and 20 faculty members, professionals, officials from City of Varanasi, School of Planning, New Delhi, Montana state University, USA, ATPIO,  and Buro Dap participated in this workshop.Over the nine days period, the workshop participants brainstormed on various urban development issues of Varanasi spread over six planning areas: (1) Heritage Conservation and Tourism Management; (2) Urban Mobility and Infrastructure Planning; (3) Land Use Planning and Built Environment; (4) Economic Development Projects; (5) Environmental Planning and Management; and (6) Livable Communities. At the end of workshop, 28 most crucial urban issues were identified and the solutions of these issues were offered.

ATPIO Participates in IIT Bombay’s TPMDC Conference

December 2014

The ATPIO team prepared a presentation on Asset Management, and the President of ATPIO, Arun Shirole, presented the key concepts of Asset Management, how it is practiced in United States and the landscape in India.
The presentation focussed on providing a historical background, basic objectives, conceptual framework and the process for managing transportation assets for their life cycle.

Mr. Shirole also held discussions with the faculty at IIT Bombay, Prof. S. L. Dhingra, Prof. K. V. K. Rao, and Prof. Tom Mathew. Potential partnership opportunities, student mentorship projects were amongst the many topics that were discussed.


Management of Complex Projects

Speaker: Dr. Jennifer Shane

Dr. Jennifer Shane, Associate Professor of  Construction Engineering in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental  Engineering at Iowa State University (ISU).

Dr. Shane talked about the shift in US infrastructure needs, changing from being primarily building new infrastructure to replacing, expanding, or renewing existing infrastructure. In this webinar Dr. Shane presented the five dimensional project management process developed to aid in successfully managing and delivering complex projects.


Click on the following image to access webinar recording.