Exciting Developments at ATPIO

Since it was founded fourteen years ago, ATPIO made a lot of progress towards fulfilling its mission. We believe that we can do a lot more. The ATPIO board will announce a couple of new and bold initiatives at the annual meeting to be held at TRB conference on January 13, 2019.

We believe these initiatives would help propel ATPIO into limelight of scholarly world and play a major role in mentoring young researchers and practitioners in the transportation world.

Hope you can join us.

Introducing Student Lounge

Welcome to the “Student Lounge” of ATPIO. This is a virtual lounge of sorts for students pursuing advanced degrees in transportation-related disciplines(both at undergraduate and graduate levels) at various universities worldwide. The purpose of this lounge/corner is to create a sense of community, network and share important developments among students with comparable educational and research goals. Student-written short articles technical or even the student experience are most welcome.

This lounge is managed exclusively by students. If you have something to share, please reach out to one of the following editors of the Lounge.


Smrithi Ajit smrithiajit@gmail.com Iowa State University
Koti Reddy Allu kallu@uci.edu University of California, Irvine
Pranamesh Chakraborthy pranameshbesu@gmail.com Iowa State University
Subhadipto Poddar spoddar@iastate.edu Iowa State University
Siddartha Rayaprolu srayapro@gmu.edu George Mason University
Archana Venkatachalapathy archanav@iastate.edu Iowa State University

Discover the upcoming seminars organised by PIARC!

World Road Association (PIARC) organises every four years (World Road Congress and International Winter Road Congress), which constitute major international platforms for the dissemination of its productions and the sharing of knowledge, PIARC organises international seminars and workshops. These are organised with the assistance of the Association’s Technical Committees and Task Forces, which include more than 1,200 experts. During the 2016-2019 cycle, more than 20 seminars have already been organised and many more are planned.

Inviting papers for 33rd Indian Engineering Congress

The Institution of Engineers (India) will be organising the 33rd Indian Engineering Congress (IEC) at Udaipur, Rajasthan during December 21 – 23, 2018 on the theme “Integration of Technologies: Emerging Engineering Paradigm”.

The “Call for Papers” brochure of the 33rd Indian Engineering Congress containing theme and other details for your kind perusal is attached. Notification on venue, registration details etc. will be published later within a few days.

You are invited to submit papers pertaining to the theme of the Congress. The papers should focus on sharing the experience, concepts, innovative ideas, research findings etc. and should cover the areas convergent with the theme. The accepted papers will be published in a Technical Volume with ISBN No.

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