Webinar: Asset Management of Transportation Infrastructure

Iowa State University Tom Maze Seminar along with ATPIO is jointly hosting a webinar on “Asset Management of Transportation Infrastructure” on 8th March, 2019;  12:00 PM ET (10:30 PM IST).

Webinar Linkhttps://connect.extension.iastate.edu/tmts/

Webinar Registration: Please register for the webinar by filling out your details in https://bit.ly/2rlsWX6 or sending emails to  atpio.secretary@gmail.com, with the following subject: “Webinar Mar 2019 Registration”.


With trillions of dollars invested in the US transportation infrastructure, the need for its well-planned life cycle management is undeniable. This presentation will discuss Vision, Mission, Goals & Components of basic asset management plans; as they relate to infrastructure health, safety and transportation mobility. Further, it will discuss required multi-disciplinary approach, conceptual framework and the process of systematic lifecycle management of transportation assets. Although focus of the presentation will be on roads, bridges and highway infrastructure, the conceptual framework and process will be similar for other modes of transportation, as well. The presentation will include observations and examples of post- Interstate era asset management practices in US. It will conclude with observations on potential hurdles, relevant issues and current trends in the development and implementation of transportation asset management plans.


Speaker: Arun Shirolé, PE, FIE
       President & CEO, S & A Shirolé, Inc.

Arun Shirolé has Master’s degrees in civil engineering and in business administration. He was a Transportation Fellow at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. Mr. Shirolé is internationally well known for his engineering and management expertise. He has over 40 years of experience covering planning, design, construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of bridges and highways. He was the first Executive Director of the National Steel Bridge Alliance (NSBA) and is now NSBA’s Executive Director Emeritus. Previously, he served as the Director of Structures and the Deputy Chief Engineer (1989-95) for the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) in Albany, NY. Mr. Shirolé is well-known for directing the development and implementation of NYSDOT’s comprehensive Bridge Management and Safety Assurance (BSA) Programs as well as NYSDOT’s own Uniform Code of Bridge Inspection. Mr. Shirolé has been involved in the constructability reviews of Owensboro Bridge in Kentucky and T Y Lin’s Signature, Bay Bridge design. In 2001-02, he served as a member of the Independent Review Team of national experts for Woodrow Wilson Bridge in Washington, DC. Mr. Shirolé was responsible for risk assessment and mitigation aspects for highway infrastructure in the development of asset management framework for the Interstate System.